[Salon] About - National Conservatism Conference, Miami 2022

Title: About - National Conservatism Conference, Miami 2022
The “TAC Coalition” was referred to by the speakers I quoted in the email I just sent. This helpfully names some of them, the Schmittian/Straussian (well, actually, they all are here) organizations making up that "Radical-right network,” which is the "TAC Coalition,” referred to above. Which anyone with a brain and any knowledge of “political theory,” would know, as I had observed way back in about 2014, and commented upon to my friend Jon Utley, that’s its “nature” had changed, as I explained to him why I no longer subscribed to it. Tell me again how TAC and “Traditional Conservatism” have nothing to do with “Straussianism,” as some here declare, repetitiously, while denouncing me for my ignorance!


NatCon 3

The National Conservatism Conference brings together public figures, journalists, scholars, and students who understand that the past and future of conservatism are inextricably tied to the idea of the nation, to the principle of national independence, and to the revival of the unique national traditions that alone have the power to bind a people together and bring about their flourishing.

We see national conservatism as the best path forward for a democratic world confronted by a rising China abroad and a powerful new Marxism at home. We see the rich tradition of national conservative thought as an intellectually serious alternative to the excesses of purist libertarianism, and in stark opposition to political theories grounded in race.

The National Conservatism Conference is a project of the Edmund Burke Foundation, a public affairs institute founded in January 2019 with the aim of strengthening the principles of national conservatism in Western and other democratic countries.

(TP-while subverting and “nullifying” any “tradition” of Rights that might obtain, which is why this all matters, or should, to any organization which professes to support the U.S. Constitution, even if it “bores,” or is tiresome, to some here. Highlighted below are the explicit Straussians/organizations, and Israeli Settler, that “Traditional Conservatives” assert they oppose so much, along with the Schmittians by ideology which make up the TAC Coalition, but not highlighted.  

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